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Board Positions Explained

Our board is comprised of volunteers from your neighborhood who donate their time and efforts to the betterment of Sharpley.  Please see the descriptions below for descriptions of all positions on the board.  Should you feel the calling to join our Board please reach out to any current member to let us know of your interest.


The President shall be the chief executive officer of the corporation; shall preside at all meetings; shall see that all orders and resolutions are carried into effect; and shall execute all contracts and agreements authorized by the corporation or by the Board of Directors.

Vice President

The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President or, in special circumstances, at the
request of the President.


The Secretary shall keep an accurate record and minutes of all proceedings of the corporation, shall attest all properly authorized contracts and agreements executed by the President, and shall be responsible for all written communications to the membership.


i. The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the corporation, and shall deposit and record all dues collected by the Association.
ii. All funds deposited are to be placed in a bank approved by the Board of Directors and are to be deposited in the name of the corporation.
iii. All checks withdrawing funds are to be signed by the Treasurer or such other officer as is authorized by the Board of Directors.

District Representative

Serves as your neighborhood liaison to the Board for any homeowner questions/ issues. Submits your zoning requests/ specs to the board for review and approval.  Collects annual dues/ sends follow-up requests to late paying homeowners.

©2022 by Sharpley Civic Association.

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